Full stack development involves the like of end-user development comprising of the front end and the back end undertakings. The front is the user interface, also referred to as the UI, while the back end deals with the custom processes of a business, and app operations that take place out of sight of the user. It focuses on the graphical user interface, server-side, database, and problem-solving of web applications or websites.

  1. Angular
  2. Regular 
  3. Git
  4. Django 
  5. Laravel 
  6. Ruby on Rails 
  7. Nodejs
  8. jQuery 
  9. MongoDB
  10. MySQL

Static and dynamic website’s primary difference is rooted in the way content is presented. Static websites produce and store content in advance and send it to the client as is while dynamic websites create content when a request is received from the client or server; this means that the website response can be dynamic in terms of the content type, content updates, or even users. Static sites are easier and more secure compared to dynamic sites but they do not have real-time capabilities and the other hand dynamic sites are flexible but at times are slow and need security systems.

Multithreading is the process through which a program or an operating system is capable of serving more than one user concurrently though the program running in the computer may not necessarily be more than one. As for the multiple requests, they can also be addressed by multithreading. The usage of multithreading means that several tasks are in a position of being run simultaneously in one process. 

A contemporary web application development stack commonly referred to as MEAN Stack is based on the programming language of JavaScript. The tiers of the MEAN stack include Node/Angular which is the front-end layer, MongoDB as the database layer, and Express as the mid-tier layer.

The MERN Stack is employed in creating the prototypical full-stack software in the development of the application programs. In MERN Stack the classical Angular.js is substituted by React. js, which, in turn, makes the whole process of development considerably smoother and less problematic.

Pair Programming is a practice where two developers share a single machine which implies that the two are working on the same block of code. One person types, this activity is called driving and the other revises each line of code that is typed, such a process is referred to as observing or navigating. Writing code is attained by a driver while a navigator is a person who observes and navigates each line of the code. It improves the flow of ideas and is very useful in enriching the dry reading and running of a script of a particular person.

Responsive design makes the layout of a web page in a way that no matter the device you are using, you can be comfortable accessing the web page. for example, while using a web page on a laptop it divides into a large view, but if the same web page is opened on a mobile it adjusts itself. 

In adaptive design, a layout is developed for every single screen of every device that is out there in the market. While loading the site identifies the size of the screen and displays the layout of the site that was designed for that viewport.

JavaScript is an open-source scripting language or programming language. It is an interpreted language, further, this language is quite light compared with other languages which is why it is much faster. JavaScript being used in conjunction with HTML helps in the easy implementation of JavaScript in Web applications.

  1. React. js: The library is an open-source one. 
  2. jQuery: jQuery is an old javascript framework used to manipulate DOM and handle events such as mouse clicks, scrolling, etc.
  3. D3. js: Such as D3 which is short for Data-Driven Documents. 
  4. Underscore. js: Underscore. js is a lightweight Javascript library
  5. Lodash: Underscore is a JavaScript library that extends its functionality from the top of lodash.js.
  6. Anime. js: Anime. js is a mini JavaScript library, It is very lightweight and has a small and elating API. 
  7. Chart. js: Chart. js is an open-source Javascript lib and charting library hosted on Github 

The application server can be defined as a web server that offers an environment and tools used in the development of and hosting of dynamic web applications. It plays the role of a mediate between the end users/clients and other systems or databases located at the back-end. 

Other basic facilities go way beyond delivering web content that mostly encompasses executing server-side scripts for generating dynamic pages, managing sessions, and handling business logic. This is a type of middle-ware that provides a link between different components of an application including; web server, database, and business logic.

A design pattern can be defined as a set of solutions to recurring problems in the design of software. It shows how classes and objects communicate with each other. There are three types of design patterns as follows:

  1. Creational – It is concerned with object and class creation. Among them, there are object-creation patterns and class-creation patterns.
  2. Behavioral – It concerns itself with the identification of communicative correspondence between the objects.
  3. Structural – It relates to how various objects and classes are arranged. They help to create functions that are new and vast in comparison with their previous analogs.

The creation of a new software product is termed the Software development life cycle (SDLC) in the software industry. The software development life cycle (SDLC) describes several activities that are practiced to construct a software application. The development process however passes through several phases as the developers continue to extend the new features of the software and patch up the bugs that are inherent with the software.